Tuesday, March 24, 2015


It sounds like TNR (Tuesday Night Ride) is off this week.  Namely due to the weather.  Although the predicted snow and rain have seemed to move further into the night.  I contemplated getting up early to be on the bike riding by 4:30 but that still only leaves me a bit more than an hour before I need to be back home to start getting the kids up and ready for the day.  At this point, for me, it's just not worth it.  Mid summer when Jen and the girls are off from school and it's above freezing...you bet.  A solid 3 hours before work at 9 is an awesome start to any day!  Soon enough.

And it's Tuesday.

Oh yeah...I fixed my sink yesterday!  Plus the potential craziness of a busy schedule was very smooth.  A good Monday all around.

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